Wealth Management Education at Your Own Pace

Managing your estate and legacy is too important to put off learning about. But finding time to study what type of estate planning is best for your family can be difficult with a busy schedule. That’s why our estate planning blog is here – to provide you with knowledge and guidance you can access anytime, according to your own schedule.

Special Needs Trusts Under Texas Law: Protecting Disability Funds

Special Needs Trusts Under Texas Law: Protecting Disability Funds Navigating the world of estate planning can be complex, especially when it comes to providing for the future of a loved one with...

Responding to Cease and Desist Letters: A Texas Lawyer’s Guide

Cease and desist letters, often the first step in legal disputes, can be intimidating and confusing for anyone on the receiving end. In Texas, understanding how to respond to these letters is crucial...

Selling a House in Central Texas: Your Legal Obligations When Disclosing Property Conditions

Selling your home can be a significant life event, and as a seller, you want the process to go as smoothly as possible. However, there are crucial legal obligations you must meet when it comes to...

Navigating the Corporate Transparency Act: A Guide for Small Business Owners

In the ever-evolving landscape of regulations and compliance, staying informed is crucial for small business owners to safeguard their operations and maintain transparency. With the enactment of the...

Powers of Attorney: Helping Clients Plan for Incapacity

When it comes to estate planning, most people focus on what happens after they pass away. But there’s an equally crucial aspect that often goes overlooked—planning for incapacity. None of us can...

Revocable Trusts: When a Trust is the Right Estate Planning Tool for Clients

Estate planning is a profoundly personal journey, and the tools we use must align with the unique goals and circumstances of each client. One such tool that often finds its place in the estate...

Executor Duties: A Lawyer’s Guide to Advisory Role in Estate Administration

Estate planning is not just about drafting wills and creating trusts; it’s about ensuring that your wishes are carried out smoothly when the time comes. As an estate attorney with nearly two...

Cedar Park Elder Law Attorney on Easy-To-Miss Signs of Dementia

It is not uncommon for people to experience minor memory problems as they age. However, constant forgetfulness, persistent cognitive impairment, personality changes, and an inability to perform daily...

Austin Will Lawyer: How to Recover Unclaimed Estate Property

Right now, there are billions of dollars worth of unclaimed property across the United States. This is because sometimes a person dies without having accounted for all their assets, which they may...

What Should Be on My Estate Planning Checklist? | Cedar Park Will and Trust Attorney

Thinking about what will happen if your physical or mental health starts to decline can be a daunting prospect. Even more overwhelming can be the idea of imagining how the people you love will manage...

Williamson County Estate Planning Attorney on What to Do When Your Loved One Refuses to Set Up an Estate Plan

For many people, the idea of planning what to do with their estate can seem like an overwhelming amount of work. They may also be worried about the expense involved. Furthermore, nobody enjoys...

Can Travel Really Count as Therapy for Dementia? Yes, It Can | Cedar Park Elder Law Attorney

Many people enjoy traveling for the sense of adventure, change in perspective, and sensory stimulation it can provide. These things are what help people feel so refreshed after returning from a...

Austin Will and Trust Attorney on the Best Ways to Store Estate Planning Documents

Writing your will, drafting financial and healthcare powers of attorney, and ensuring you have a living will in place are all steps that give you and your family the peace of mind that comes with...

Think a Handwritten Will Is All You Need? Here Are the Dangers from a Cedar Park Estate Planning Attorney

There are many reasons why some people might find the idea of a handwritten will attractive. Also known as holographic wills, handwritten wills might seem cheaper and simpler to execute than...

What Is a Bypass Trust, and Do I Need One? | Williamson County Trust Attorneys

For many decades, wealthy families relied on bypass trusts as critical aspects of their estate plans. However, in recent years, Williamson County trust attorneys have seen a shift away from the use of...

Cedar Park Trust Lawyer on the Elements of a Valid Trust

When creating a trust with a Cedar Park trust lawyer, it is important to understand the specific roles involved. The grantor is the person who establishes a trust. The designated beneficiary is the...

Wedding Bells Later in Life? What Newlywed Seniors Need to Know About Their Estate Plans

Some seniors don’t expect to remarry after a divorce or the death of a spouse. However, life is full of surprises. You could meet someone at any age, even during your retirement years. Many...

Cedar Park Estate Planning Lawyer on The Importance of Estate Plans for First Responders

If you are a first responder—police officer, firefighter, EMT, etc.—you put your life at risk every day when you go to work. Beyond the workplace, the high level of occupational stress also puts you...

Williamson County Estate Tax Lawyer Answers, “What Is Portability in an Estate Plan?”

Federal estate tax law includes a provision called portability. This provision only applies to married couples. It allows the surviving spouse to use any part of their deceased spouse’s unused...

Williamson County Estate Planning Attorney What You Need to Know about Gaining Power of Attorney for Your Parent

As your parent grows older, you may wonder what would happen if they could no longer make sound decisions on their own. Often, gaining power of attorney for your parent is the most straightforward way...

Letters of Instruction: What They Are and How They Help | Cedar Park Will and Trust Lawyer

Outlining your final wishes is essential to ensure that your assets are passed to their intended recipients as smoothly as possible after you die. If you have done the diligent work of putting your...

Austin Special Needs Attorney on the Differences between an ABLE Account and a Special Needs Trust

Individuals who have disabilities often require government assistance to cover the costs of professional support and care. However, programs such as Medicaid and Supplementary Security Income (SSI)...

Community Spouses: What They Are and Why They Are Important

You might have heard the term “community spouse” and wondered what it means. Essentially, if one spouse receives long-term care in a nursing home, the spouse living outside the nursing home is...

Can I Choose Not to Have a Funeral? | Austin Estate and Probate Lawyers

A funeral is a traditional method of honoring a person’s life after death. However, some people don’t feel comfortable having one. Choosing not to have a funeral is entirely acceptable...

Williamson County Will and Trust Lawyers: New ALS Drug Brings Hope to Patients

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also called Lou Gehrig’s disease, affects the nerve cells that control voluntary muscles, eventually leading to paralysis. It prevents people from talking...

Cedar Park Estate Planning Lawyers on Reasons to Avoid Naming Your Estate as an IRA Beneficiary

Designating your estate as the beneficiary of your IRA might make sense to you. It’s simpler than choosing one or several loved ones as beneficiaries. It can also prevent future arguments and...

When Dementia Brings Violence: Cedar Park Elder Law Attorney Offers Tips for Help and Support

Many people confuse dementia and mental illness. Although dementia can affect mental health, it isn’t a mental illness. It is a brain disorder that causes issues with communication and memory...

Cedar Park Inheritance Lawyer Answers, “I Just Inherited a Retirement Account-Now What?”

Inheriting a retirement account, such as a 401(k) or an IRA, can benefit a person struggling with their finances. It can help pay bills and create more stability. However, any Cedar Park inheritance...

Williamson County Special Needs Lawyer: 3 Special Needs Planning Myths

Parents who have children with special needs spend a lot of time thinking about the future. They may wonder, “Who will care for my child when I’m gone someday” or “How will we afford a lifetime...

What Health and Happiness Look Like in the Second Half of Life | Austin Elder Law Attorneys

When planning for the second half of their lives, our Austin elder law attorneys have found that most people do not anticipate an increase in happiness. Research shows, however, that happiness does...

Austin Trust Lawyer Warns: “Be Careful When Naming Co-Trustees”

A living trust is a valuable tool in estate planning. You can manage it while you’re alive while passing control of your affairs to someone else upon your incapacity or death. The assets in the...

Cedar Park Elder Law Attorney on Understanding the Differences Between the Aid and Attendance Pension Benefit and the Housebound Benefit for Veterans

Caring for a veteran can be both an honor and a challenge. As their health declines, understanding the benefits available to them through the Veterans Administration (VA) is essential. The VA offers...

Williamson County Will Lawyer on How to Avoid a Contested Will

The last thing you want after you pass is for your family members to squabble over your estate. Unfortunately, even with forethought and planning, loved ones may challenge the validity of your will...

Cedar Park Estate Planning Attorneys on What You Should Know About Establishing a Charitable Remainder Trust

You’ve spent a lifetime working to care for yourself and your family. When you reach your golden years, you may wonder what it is you’ll leave behind. What will your legacy be, and what...

Choosing a Third-Party Trustee: The Benefits and Advantages From an Austin Trust Lawyer

When creating a trust, one important decision to make is who will act as the trustee. Choosing to name a non-family third party as the trustee of your trust can provide several benefits. Here, we will...

Cedar Park Special Needs Attorneys Answer, “What Can a Special Needs Trust Pay For?”

Parenting an adult with special needs can present unique financial challenges. A Special Needs Trust can help to ease the burden by providing additional resources without compromising your...

Cedar Park Will and Trust Lawyers on Making Your Funeral Wishes Part of Your Estate Plan

Writing your Last Will and Testament is a crucial step in planning for your future. But did you know that it’s also possible to create a plan for the way you want your funeral and memorial...

Williamson County Elder Law Attorney on Strategies for Making Caregiving Easier

While being a caregiver can be rewarding, it can also be extremely stressful. It is very common for caregivers to feel frustrated, tired, and even depressed. As a result, you will want to make life as...

Cedar Park Will and Trust Lawyers: Why Burial Plots Don’t Need to Be Included in Your Living Trust

Estate planning involves careful consideration of your assets and how they’ll be managed upon your passing. One common question that arises is whether a burial plot should be included in a...

Austin Trust and Estates Lawyer on How to Use Trusts to Protect Your Children’s Future

Trusts are often associated with the ultra-rich, but in reality, they can be an essential tool for families across various income levels. Middle-class families should also consider setting up trusts...

Protecting Your Genetic Legacy: Why You Need to Discuss Embryos and Genetic Material with Your Cedar Park Estate Planning Attorney

As you embark on the journey of creating an estate plan, it’s essential to consider all aspects of your life, including your genetic legacy. Embryo and genetic material preservation are becoming...

Understanding Medicaid Recovery: What Williamson County Elder Law Clients Need to Know

As you navigate the complexities of Williamson County elder law and long-term care planning, one crucial aspect to understand is Medicaid recovery. In this blog post, we’ll explore the concept...

Williamson County Estate Attorneys on When to Revoke a Power of Attorney: Key Reasons to Consider

Power of attorney (POA) documents can be a lifesaver, granting a trusted person the authority to make important decisions on your behalf when you can’t. However, there may come a time when you...

Don’t Wait: Williamson County Asset Protection Attorneys Offer Tips for Physicians

As Williamson County asset protection attorneys, we know that Texas physicians face the likelihood of a malpractice lawsuit during their careers, regardless of specialty or practice type. Considering...

Creating an Inclusive Estate Plan for Blended Families with Adopted Children: Insights from Austin Will Lawyers

Blended families, which often include both biological and adopted children, require a more comprehensive approach to estate planning. This can help ensure that all family members are treated fairly...

Practical Tips for Supporting a Loved One with Memory Loss: Advice from a Cedar Park Elder Law Attorney

Caring for a loved one experiencing memory loss can be challenging and emotional. As a Cedar Park elder law attorney, I understand the difficulties families face when dealing with these sensitive...

Estate Planning and Asset Protection: Essential Insights for Williamson County Landlords

Being a landlord comes with unique opportunities and challenges, and it’s critical to protect your valuable real estate assets effectively. Estate planning and asset protection strategies are...

Identifying Cognitive Issues: When and How to Approach Your Loved One’s Doctor Legally and Ethically

Cognitive decline is a challenging issue faced by many elderly individuals and their loved ones. It can be emotionally difficult and legally complex to know when and how to step in. If you’re...

Navigating the Inheritance Rights of Stepchildren: Ensuring Your Loved Ones Are Protected

As a stepparent, you’ve likely grown to love your stepchildren as your own. It’s only natural to want to ensure they benefit from your hard work and share in your estate when you’re...

The Delicate Subject of Disinheritance: To Explain or Not to Explain

Making the difficult decision to disinherit a child from your estate is never easy. You may be wondering: Do I need to explain my decision to my child? The short answer is no, you are under no legal...

5 Reasons to Prioritize Creating Your Estate Plan with a Will Lawyer in Cedar Park

As a parent, you’re constantly juggling tasks, responsibilities, and decisions. It’s easy to delay thinking about things that don’t seem immediate or urgent, like creating an estate...

Empowering Autonomy: The Role of a Special Needs Lawyer in Austin in Establishing Limited Conservatorships

Empowering a young adult with developmental disabilities to live an autonomous life is a journey filled with unique challenges and opportunities. As a parent, you want to strike the right balance...

How Does Putting My Home in a Trust Affect Selling it in Williamson County?

One common misconception that often holds people back from estate planning is the fear that putting their house in a trust will make it difficult to control their asset or sell it in the future. As a...

Planning Ahead to Age in Place: Tips from a Cedar Park Elder Lawyer

Planning for a future where you can age comfortably in your own home is a crucial part of elder law and estate planning. It’s about anticipating your needs as you grow older and making...

ALS and Estate Planning: Essential Documents to Create After Diagnosis from Your Cedar Park Estate Planning Lawyers

After a diagnosis of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), it’s essential to begin thinking about estate planning. While it’s an understandably difficult time, it’s crucial to ensure...

Williamson County Elder Attorney on How to Help an Elderly Loved One Facing Hospital Discharge Alone

Are you worried about an elderly loved one living alone, especially when they’re facing a hospital discharge? As a Williamson County Elder Attorney, I understand your concerns, and I’m...

Cedar Park Inheritance Lawyer Answers, “Who Gets Ownership of My Loved One’s Storage Unit After Their Death?”

The passing of a loved one is a challenging time, and amidst the grieving process, there are practical matters that need to be addressed, including the inheritance of their belongings. One particular...

Why Your Bank Might Reject Your Power of Attorney: Insights from an Austin Estate Lawyer

Has your Power of Attorney (POA) been rejected by your bank because it’s “too old?” This predicament is more common than you might think. As an Austin Estate Lawyer, I often field...

Co-Owned Bank Accounts and Divorce: Is Your Parent’s Money at Risk? Insights from a Cedar Park Estate Planning Lawyers

It’s not uncommon for parents to add an adult child as a co-owner on their bank account. This arrangement often serves as a convenience, allowing the child to help manage finances or ensure easy...

Steps to Take After Inheriting Valuable Jewelry: Guidance from an Austin Estate Planning Lawyer

Inheriting a piece of jewelry from a loved one is not just about receiving a valuable asset—it’s also about inheriting a memento filled with memories and emotions. As precious as it is...

Tips for Hiring a Home Health Aide for an Aging Loved One: Insights from a Williamson County Elder Law Attorney

The decision to hire a home health aide for an aging loved one is both practical and personal. While it ensures that your family member receives professional care, it also comes with its own set of...

Understanding Estate Debts and Life Insurance: Insights from a Cedar Park Probate Attorney

As an experienced Cedar Park probate attorney, I often receive questions from clients about the relationship between life insurance proceeds and estate debts. Many beneficiaries are uncertain about...